Recently choreographer and performer Liesel Zink completed a creative development of her new work Us and All of This at Home of The Arts on the Gold Coast. This monumental new work is a collaboration with sound artist Lawrence English, and sees Liesel work with a number of lead artists and volunteers. In this most recent development there were 18 creatives working to realise this ambitious project and as it progresses the number of participants involved will increase exponentially. We spoke to Liesel following her creative development.
- For the uninitiated, can you please give us a brief description of Us and All of This?
Us and All of This is a contemporary performance work made in collaboration with sound artist Lawrence English, dramaturge Martyn Coutts and many amazing contributing dancers. Developed through a series of mindful workshop and presented with over 100 dancers in the public realm, Us and All of This interrogates our relationship to the natural world, our positioning within product oriented capitalist systems, and the enduring necessity for connectivity and empathy.
I see the project as a gentle and loving act of resistance against a fast paced, human centred planet. It is so easy to get swept up by the rapid demand of productivity, overstimulation and overwhelm of media bombardment. Us and All of This is a resistance against this; a resistance against noise; a resistance against ‘snapping back to normal’. And I believe it is in this space that we will find the possibilities for new and more sensitive ways of being.