
Strategies for Diversity – Performing Lines WA’s leading the way

Over the last three years, Performing Lines WA has been committed to bringing more diversity in our team but also through the projects we produce.

In 2017, a new producer, Zainab Syed, joined the team, challenging us to think differently.

This led us to produce Layla Majnun in 2019, an epic tale of love and separation which has been told across the Islamic world for centuries – and yet, largely unknown in Australia.

For this project, we collaborated with storyteller and scholar Feraidoon Mojadedi and culturally and linguistically diverse artists from WA to bring Layla Majnun to the stage in Australia for the very first time.

Community Arts Network recently released a case study highlighting Performing Lines WA’s efforts and successes in actively pursuing diversity.  This video case study is a resource developed to support arts organisations that are seeking to diversify their arts practices and become more inclusive.

Our Projects

Whether it is the story our artists want to tell, the audience they want to reach or the team they bring together, all our projects below have diversity at the heart:


View the other case studies in this series:
Ashley Yihsin Chang: Antipodean Encounters
Centre for Stories

In everything we do, we acknowledge that we live on Aboriginal land and constantly learn from the wisdom of First Peoples.

Where we are and the history that precedes us informs how we work and how we move forward.