
Layla Majnun FAQs

About the show

How long is the show?

The show is 6o minutes, with no interval.

Can I bring my family?

Families are welcome and we love greeting young people and children to our show as long as they can sit quietly for the duration of the show.

Is the show suitable for children?

The content of the show is suitable for all ages, however, your child must be able to sit quietly for the duration of the show (one hour). If you need to leave during the show, you will not be able to enter again. This is to avoid disruptions during the performance.

In which language is the show?

The show is in English and includes some lines in Persian.

Is this just for Middle-East audiences?

No, we welcome audience members from all walks of life and of any faith.

Would I enjoy the show if I’m not from a Muslim background?

We hope you do! While the story is known across the Islamic world, it’s our hope to use this story to open as many doors between as many hearts as we can because love is a universal story.

What time do I need to arrive?

We recommend you arrive at the theatre at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the show, especially if you need to pick up your tickets from the Venue Box office. This will allow you sufficient time to find your seats before the performance starts.

What time does the show start?

The show starts at 7.30pm. Doors open at 6.30pm

What time does the show finish?

The performance runs from 7.30pm to 8.45pm

What if I’m running late?

The show has a ‘lock-out’ policy; No late-comers will be permitted after 7.30pm. Please make sure you arrive on time to avoid any disappointment.

Can I take pictures during the show?

Taking photos during performances is not permitted. It is a violation of copyright laws and flash photography can cause a safety hazard to performers. You will be reminded of this prior to the performance beginning. If you are seen using a still or video camera, you will be asked to stop and your camera may be confiscated by an usher.

What’s the best seat in the Theatre?

It depends on how you like to see a performance. The Main Theatre has 300 seats and no matter where you sit you will be able to see and hear everything.

Can I choose my seat when I purchase my ticket?


Is there anywhere to eat & drink at the venue?

Yes there will be food trucks on-site, and lots of other restaurants on Rokeby Road

Is there a prayer room?

Yes. Please follow the signs or ask any staff or volunteers if you can’t find it.
Will there be merchandise for sale?
Yes, we will have merchandise for sale after the performance, cash only.

Is there an ATM near the venue?

The nearest ATMs are all located on Rokeby Road, in Subiaco town centre, a short 10-minute walk from the venue.

Is there a dress code?

No, wear whatever you feel comfortable in, so you can relax and enjoy the performance.

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Where can I park?

Parking for 67 cars and 8 motorcycles is available in the Theatre Gardens Carpark which can be accessed from Bagot and Hamersley Roads.

Parking is free after 6pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. At other times the cost is $0.20 per 12 minutes.

Alternative parking for 90 cars is available at the Rowland Street Carpark. Rowland Street runs from Bagot to Barker Roads and is an approximate 5-minute walk from the Centre. It has a 3-hour time limit, the first hour of parking is free after which is charged at 20c per 9 minutes.

**Accessible Parking** – 3 ACROD parking bays are available in the Theatre Gardens Carpark.

Is there free parking?

Parking in the Theatre Gardens Carpark is free after 6pm Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. At other times the cost is $0.20 per 12 minutes.
Free street parking also available after 6pm every day.

Where is the closest train station?

The two closest train stations are:
– Subiaco Railway Station(15 minutes walk)
– Daglish Railway Station (10 minutes walk)

Is the venue wheelchair accessible?

Yes. There is wheelchair access to the Main Theatre via the ramp on the garden side of the building and via the lift from the ground floor. There is also wheelchair accessible toilet (located on the ground floor), specially allocated seating in the main theatre.

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Ticket price

How long is the Earlybird offer for?

Earlybird tickets are $23.50 per person (+booking fee) and are on sale until Monday 5 August, 10am.

Do you offer any discount if I bring a group?

– Save $5/ticket for a group of 4 to 7 people.
– Save $8.50/ticket for a group 8 and more.

Is it better to buy multiple tickets in one transaction?

Buying multiple tickets at a time will save you on booking fees.

Is this show suitable for my child?

The content of the show is suitable for all ages, however, your child must be able to sit quietly for the duration of the show (one hour). If you need to leave during the show, you will not be able to enter again. This is to avoid disruptions during the performance.

What is the age range for Child ticket prices?

A Child is aged one to 16 years. All children are required to have a valid ticket even on the lap of a parent or guardian. Infants under 12 months of age are permitted without a ticket provided that they do not occupy a seat.

How do I buy tickets?

You can buy your ticket online, over the phone (08) 6212 9292 or in person from the Box Office located at Subiaco Arts Centre from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Booking fees apply. (Web: $3.95 if cart value is $36 or less, $5.95 if cart value is more than $36.
Phone or mail: $6.95. In-person: $0. Group bookings: $8.95. Add $4.40 for Registered Mail).

I’m having trouble buying tickets, who do I contact?

If you have any questions, please contact the Box Office on (08) 6212 9292 during business hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

Can I buy tickets at the box office or do I have to buy online?

Tickets can be purchased online, over the phone or in person at the Box Office located on the ground floor of Subiaco Arts Centre from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Booking fees apply. (Web: $3.95 if cart values is $36 or less, $5.95 if cart value is more than $36.
Phone or mail: $6.95. In person: $0. Group bookings: $8.95. Add $4.40 for Registered Mail).

I can no longer attend the performance I purchased tickets for, can I get a refund?

As a condition of sale, there are no refunds, exchanges or cancellations once the booking is complete except in accordance with applicable laws. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Sale for further information or call the booking number (08 6212 9292) if you wish to discuss this.

Can I upgrade or exchange my ticket over the Internet?

As a condition of sale, there are no refunds, exchanges or cancellations once the booking is complete except in accordance with applicable laws. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Sale for further information or call the booking number (08 6212 9292) if you wish to discuss this.

I can’t find my tickets?

If you are unable to find your tickets, bring the ID used to purchase the tickets and come earlier to the Box Office to reprint your tickets.

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Collecting tickets

Where is the box office located?

The Box Office is located on the ground floor at Subiaco Ars Centre.

When does the box office open?

Box Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm

What if my tickets are lost?

If you have misplaced your tickets, or they have been stolen, please contact Subiaco Arts Centre box office. Duplicate tickets will be issued, but only 30 minutes before performance commencement, and upon presentation of identification.

How long before the show should I pick up my tickets?

Box office open 1 hour prior to the show.

What if I’m running late?

The show has a ‘lock-out’ policy; No late-comers will be permitted after 7.30pm, and tickets are non-refundable. Please make sure you arrive on time to avoid any disappointment.

What forms of I.D. do I need to pick up my tickets?

Please bring with you any form of photo I.D and concession cards.

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In everything we do, we acknowledge that we live on Aboriginal land and constantly learn from the wisdom of First Peoples.

Where we are and the history that precedes us informs how we work and how we move forward.