
EOIs now open for Kolyang new and improved booster grants in partnership with PICA

We are excited to announce we have partnered up with the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts to offer four (4) $5,000 Studio Boosters as part of our new round of the Kolyang Program of Industry Development Initiatives, to be awarded in 2025.

Building on the success of the 2024 Booster Grants, this initiative will now include free access to studio space, in addition to auspicing and project guidance from PLWA. We look forward to working with PICA to provide this financially supported residency model for creative development and collaborative practice.

In 2025, this opportunity is open to WA-based independent artists. We welcome multidisciplinary and contemporary performance proposals—whether for seeding new projects and collaborations or further progressing works already in development.

The application process is simple – it’s mostly an exercise in you planning for your project and how you would make the most of this opportunity. No overthinking required!

Project support

The four selected projects will each receive:

  • Up to $5,000 grant
  • Dedicated studio space at PICA for up to 2 weeks
  • Auspicing and project guidance from Performing Lines WA
  • Additional $250 towards photo or video documentation to contribute towards support material for your project’s future.

Download PICA Studio Resources for more info about dimensions and images of studio spaces. Please note, standard terms and conditions for studio residencies at PICA will apply to the successful projects.

Key dates

  • EOIs open: Monday 13 January
  • EOIs close: Monday 10 February
  • Notifications: Thursday 6 March

Please know there is a deadline and softline for expressions of interest. Please get in touch should you require an extension.

Selection criteria and process

The main assessment criteria focus on how clearly you articulate your artistic project and demonstrate that this ‘boost’ is timely, relevant, and viable through your completed application form.

  • Final selection will be made by a panel of Performing Lines and PICA staff.
  • One Studio Booster grant will be awarded to an independent First Nations lead artist and/or First Nations-led project submission.

How to apply

Expressions of interest for this opportunity to be submitted using the provided application form.

Please share with us:

  1. Brief project description (up to 500 words)
  2. Briefly explain where your project is up to in its development and WHY this time, space and grant will be a ‘boost’ (up to 500 words)
  3. Your FIRST and SECOND preference of the designated dates and studio spaces at PICA:
    • # 1 (7-20 April) – Studio 2
    • # 2 (30 June – 13 Jul) – Studio 4
    • # 3 (12 – 26 October) – Studio 4
    • # 4 (10 – 23 November) – Studio 2
  4. A budget outline of how you will use the $5,000
  5. Team credits or list of key contacts, collaborators involved as part of this grant
  6. Support material – of a URL of up to 5 mins of video material and/or an attached PDF of up to 5 images of your work.

Submit your application by emailing your completed form to Jen Leys – Please contact Jen for varied application formats including video in place of written responses and/or support with completing your submission.

Download PICA Studio Resources for more info about dimensions and images of studio spaces. Please note, standard terms and conditions for studio residencies at PICA will apply to the successful projects.

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In everything we do, we acknowledge that we live on Aboriginal land and constantly learn from the wisdom of First Peoples.

Where we are and the history that precedes us informs how we work and how we move forward.